Pre-K registration is now open. Please click the link below to access the online registration.
almost 3 years ago, Public Relations
Pre K Registration for 2022-2023 Announcement
almost 3 years ago, Lisa Milliard
PreK Registration
Dear Parents of Students in Grades 3-8: Power Hour begins THIS TUESDAY, March 28, to allow for all three weeks of learning before April Vacation.
almost 3 years ago, Lisa Milliard
RSU 39 is asking all parents and guardians to fill out a brief survey called the Graduate Profile. Your input is valuable and will help us in preparing our Pre K - 12 grade students for the complex future that each Caribou High School senior will encounter.
almost 3 years ago, Lisa Milliard
Monday, March 21st is Down Syndrome Awareness Day. We encourage staff and students to wear mismatched socks to raise awareness about Down Syndrome.
almost 3 years ago, Public Relations
Viking Gear
Message from Mark Pinette, Director of Guidance, at Caribou High School. Caribou High School will be having an 8th grade information night to all 8th graders and their parents/ guardians. The purpose of the meeting is to overview the course registration process to enroll students at Caribou High School this coming fall. Please join us on March 23, 2022 at 6:00 PM in the Caribou Performing Arts Center.
almost 3 years ago, Public Relations
Don’t forget to Spring Forward!
almost 3 years ago, Public Relations
Principal Dr. Eric McGough is proud to announce that Chloe Sleeper of Caribou, a senior at Caribou High School, has been selected to receive the 2022 Principals' Award. Congratulations Chloe!
almost 3 years ago, Public Relations
The RSU 39 Board of Education voted at its regular board meeting on Wednesday, March 2, 2022 to transition to optional masking effective Monday, March 7, 2022. The optional masking will be in place for all school buildings and all school buses and vans that transport students and staff.
almost 3 years ago, District Data Facilitator
Congratulations to Dr. Leland Caron on earning his Doctorate Degree. #vikingpride
almost 3 years ago, Public Relations
2022-2023 NEW Pre-K & Kindergarten Student Registration
almost 3 years ago, District Data Facilitator
22-23 New Student
March 2nd is National Read Across America Day! Launched in 1998 by the NEA, Read Across America Day was created as a way to encourage children to read. It later developed into a year-round program, with special celebrations in March. Since its conception, the annual reading day has been held on or near March 2, which is Dr. Seuss's birthday. This year, it will be held on his 118th birthday. Books are the gateway to the imagination. Like a good company, a good book can enrich one’s mind with great thoughts and knowledge. It has the power to change us and help us unleash our full potential. On National Read Across America Day, students, teachers, parents, and community members around the nation come together to read books and celebrate the joy of reading — join us!
almost 3 years ago, Public Relations
CCS March Power Hour registrations close Sunday evening at 9pm. Space is limited. Sign up today:
almost 3 years ago, District Data Facilitator
Happy Twosday Vikings!! 2-22-22
almost 3 years ago, Public Relations
Happy President's Day Vikings!
almost 3 years ago, Public Relations
Presidents Day
Please see the attached letter dated today 2/18/22 from Superintendent Doak regarding change in COVID-19 SOP.
almost 3 years ago, Lisa Milliard
Please see the attached letter dated today 2/18/22 from Superintendent Doak regarding change in COVID-19 SOP.
almost 3 years ago, Lisa Milliard
Important Information on SOP changes "Optional Masking"
almost 3 years ago, Lisa Milliard
Optional Masking
Winter Break-February 21-25. All RSU39 schools will be closed. Have a safe and fun break and we will see you back on Monday, February 28th!
almost 3 years ago, Public Relations
Due to inclement weather, the start of school today, Friday, February 18th, will be delayed by 2 hours today and morning Pre K is also cancelled . Again, the start of school will be delayed by 2 hours today and morning Pre K is also cancelled Thank You.
almost 3 years ago, Lisa Milliard