Jan Tompkins - Caribou

Betheny Anderson - Caribou

Tanya Sleeper - Caribou

Lindsey Theriault - Stockholm

Lou Willey - Caribou

Jane McCall - Superintendent

Board of Education

School Board Duties and Responsibilities

Maine state law charges school boards with the responsibility to "manage the schools." This is done essentially by selecting a superintendent and providing him/her with authority and direction. It is not the duty of the board to operate the schools but to see that they are well operated.

The board concerns itself primarily with board questions of policy rather than with administrative details. The application of policies is an administrative task to be performed by the superintendent and his/her staff, who shall be held responsible for the effective administration and supervision of the entire school system.

Members of the board have authority only when acting as a board legally in session. The board shall not be bound in any way by an action or statement of an individual member except when such statement or action is in pursuance of specific instructions from the board.

Superintendent Duties and Responsibilities

The position of superintendent of schools is created by state law to provide each school board with the benefit of advice from a professional educator. The state statues and rules give the superintendent the necessary authority to carry out the responsibilities assigned to him/her in relation to the role assigned to school boards.

Board Meetings

The Eastern Aroostook RSU Board meets at 5:30 p.m. generally on the first Wednesday of each month are held in one of the school buildings. When large audiences are expected, the board may move to another building or area. Agendas are prepared by the Superintendent and Board Chair and can be obtained from the Superintendent's office or found on the website at www.rsu39.org

Standard Board Agenda

  • Call to order

  • Adjustment of agenda 

  • Approval of minutes 

  • Public comments 

  • Administrators / Committee reports 

  • Old business 

  • New business 

  • Communications/Correspondence

  • Superintendent's report 

  • Executive Session 

  • Adjournment

Executive Sessions

In accordance with the Freedom of Access ("Right-to-Know") law, board meetings are held in public. The board may go into private or executive sessions, upon vote of 3/5 of the members present and voting, for consideration of certain matters specified in law (such as personnel, student suspension/expulsion, contracts to be negotiated, collective bargaining, legal advice or pending litigation). No final action may be taken in executive sessions.

Public Participation Policy

Meetings of the board are public in the sense that they are held in public. This does not mean they are public meetings in the same sense as a "town meeting." There is no statutory requirement in Maine that the public be permitted to speak at board meetings. 

However, we welcome comments and concerns related to the matters under consideration by the board, within the guidelines set forth in board policy BEDH - PUBLIC PARTICIPATION AT BOARD MEETINGS.

Therefore, the Chair will provide an opportunity under "public comments" for individual input. Please be aware of these "ground rules" from our policy:

The number of speakers and the time each speaks may be limited.

In the case of a large audience, speakers may be asked to sign up before the meeting so they may be called on most expediently.

Anyone with a legitimate interest in the board's business may speak. Employees or employee groups will not be permitted to discuss matters for which other, more appropriate forums are provided.

All speakers are asked to identify themselves. Gossip, defamatory comments, or abusive or vulgar language will not be permitted.

Speakers must address all comments and questions to the Chair.

Comments will be heard and considered. Generally, the board does not discuss or act on an item not on the agenda.

No complaints or allegations will be allowed in public concerning any staff member or any person connected to the school system.

Speakers are asked not to be repetitious of comments already made to the board, in the interests of most efficient use of time.

The primary purpose of the meeting is for the board to conduct its business as charged by law. Spontaneous discussion, as well as disorder and disruption, prevent the board from doing its work and will not be permitted.

Affirmative Action/Nondiscrimination

It is the policy of this school system not to discriminate in educational programs, activities or employment practices on the basis of race, National origin, religion, sex, age or handicapping conditions under the provisions of Title VI and IX of the 1972 Educational Amendments, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Individuals with Disability Education Act of 1990, and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990.

The Affirmative Action Plan, as approved by the board and submitted to the Commissioner of Education, is on file in the Superintendent's Office. The Affirmative Action Officer is Eric McGough who may be reached at 496-6311.